Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekend Photo Blog

This weekend, I had a nice combination of exploring the Kanab area and just relaxing at home with my furry Utah family. On Saturday, I went out to Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park with a few of the other interns. It was beautiful out there and great to spend some time with them outside of work. Let me also say that hiking around in sand dunes is a really good workout!
We climbed to the sandy peak seen here.

Meghan and Me on the ridge

Japhy, Meghan, and Steph

Gorgeous views for miles!

To give some perspective of how big this place is, that tiny thing on the bottom left is a 4-Wheeler!

Meghan, Steph, Me, and Japhy at the top of the dunes!

Me, making a sand angel :)

There were tons of cows along the road to and from the dunes.

After our afternoon at the sand dunes, I headed into town (and ran into Meghan everywhere I went!) and had to take a picture of the hilarious and slightly creepy fake cop that sits in town everyday:

Introducing My Utah Fur Family!

Today, I just had a relaxing day because I was really tired from the week. I did snap a few photos of the animals I'm living with here in Kanab. I have completely fallen in love with them and I'm their Aunty Jill! Get ready for massive cuteness...

Bobbo and Ruby
Sydney is playing camera shy. 

Beautiful Sydney
Sydney's action shot - leaping for the counter!

Sydney braves the sink to get at the catnip hiding on the counter!
Beautiful Lola

Lola jumping for the counter
Lola wanting a belly rub. You can pretty much always find her like this!
This is Otis. He took the longest to warm up to me, but we're best buds now.

Otis in "his" chair
Maggie is so sweet. She's best friends with Scuba the dog.

Maggie was the first to parade into my room and hop into my bed on the 1st night I was here.
Rosie is the mama of everyone. She's such a love.
Kodiak is the man of the house. He's so sweet!
Scuba's love and enthusiasm makes it impossible not to adore him.
All the animals get along so well!
Scuba and Kodi

Best buddies Maggie and Scuba, with Lola to the left
Hope you've enjoyed meeting the wonderful animals I get to spend my time with when I'm not at the sanctuary. They're all incredibly well-behaved, happy, and loved. My host family has done an amazing job raising them. And they are all rescues! 

Tomorrow, I head back to work and I get to work my morning shift in Cat Headquarters, which I'm really excited about, and my afternoon shift in DogTown, in the area where Pepsi lives. I can't wait to spend time with him and get to know him!


  1. Your pictures turned out so well! Awww look at all the animals you live with! That's a whole bunch of adorable-ness.

  2. Thanks Steph! I'm so glad I had my good camera with me, even if it did get a little sandy :). Yes, the animals I live with are seriously adorable :). I lucked out!

  3. Oh Jill - I would love staying at this home!!!!!!! And the beautiful sights you get to see. Jealous but in a good way. Miss you.
